بطاقات تهنئة عيد الفطر المبارك 2024 .. أجمل وعبارات وكروت تهنئة العيد 1446

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آخر تحديث: سبتمبر 21, 2024 - 11:34 ص

Greeting cards for Eid Al-Fitr 2024 They are cards that carry the most beautiful meanings of congratulations and blessings on the occasion of the blessed Eid Al-Fitr, and they are cards that are sent to loved ones, friends, family and friends, as a person sends them wishing for a happy Eid Al-Fitr, hoping that God Almighty will return it to him and his loved ones with goodness and blessings, and in this article we will put Eid greeting cards Blessed Fitr 2024, in addition to the most beautiful pictures, phrases and greeting cards for Eid 1445.

Greeting cards for Eid Al-Fitr 2024

Among the most beautiful congratulatory cards that can be sent on the occasion of Eid Al-Fitr for the year 1445/2023 are the following:

Eid al-Fitr congratulatory phrases

After the congratulations cards for Eid Al-Fitr 2024, the phrases for congratulating Eid Al-Fitr are the phrases that come from the heart and carry aspirations of goodness and blessing on the occasion of this blessed Eid. Some of these phrases follow:

  • I am pleased to extend to you, my dear friend, my warmest congratulations and blessings on the occasion of the blessed Eid Al-Fitr.
  • To all the people who are dear to the heart, words stand helpless. How do I congratulate you, my dear friend and dear to my heart, on Eid al-Fitr, asking the Lord to accept good deeds from us and from you, and a happy Eid.
  • With the kindest phrases and the finest words, and with the radiance of love and sincere greetings, I congratulate you on the advent of Eid Al-Fitr.
  • With the kindest phrases and the best words, and on the radiance of love and sincere greetings, I congratulate you on the advent of Eid Al-Fitr.
  • On the occasion of the blessed Eid Al-Fitr, I am pleased to extend to you the most beautiful and tender congratulations and best wishes. May God bring it back to you and your families with goodness, right and blessings.
  • On the occasion of Eid Al-Fitr, I extend to you my sincere wishes and warmest and most beautiful congratulations on this fragrant occasion, and may God accept fasting, prayers and obedience from us and from you.
  • May God make it an Eid of goodness, joy and hope, and bring it back to us and you and bring us together every year with happiness and pleasure.
  • With all love, cordiality and longing, we congratulate you on the advent of Eid Al-Fitr. Happy new year. I ask God Almighty to make it a good Eid and to accept your obedience and obedience to us in the blessed month of Ramadan. Every year, you are closer to God Almighty.
  • Our wishes precede our congratulations, and our joy precedes our nights, and Eid Mubarak to us and you, every second, every minute, every hour, every day, every week, every month, every year, and you are a thousand good, congratulations from vein to vein and before the crowds and appointments Happy Eid and long life.
  • The feast is not that you wear new things, but the feast is for the one who is safe from the threat, and the feast is not for the one who wears luxurious clothes, but the feast is for the one who is safe from the punishment of the Hereafter, not for the one who wears slaves, but the feast for the one who knows the way.

Pictures of congratulations on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr png

Among the most beautiful congratulatory images on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr png are the following images:

Eid al-Fitr messages

The messages are the most expressive of love and wishes for continued health, wellness, and success for the relative and beloved on the blessed Eid Al-Fitr, and the following are the blessed Eid Al-Fitr messages:

  • I preceded people by sending the most beautiful congratulations and blessings to you on Eid Al-Fitr. Every year, you are the head of people, the best of them, and the closest to my heart, and every Eid, you are the adornment and joy of the world.
  • On the occasion of Eid Al-Fitr, I wish you eternal happiness that does not end, my most loyal person, and eternal friendship that does not end, and Happy New Year.
  • Words stand helpless. How to congratulate you, my dear and dear friend, on Eid al-Fitr, asking the Lord to accept good deeds from us and from you, and a happy Eid.
  • On the occasion of Eid Al-Fitr, I wish you eternal happiness that does not end, my most loyal person, and eternal friendship that does not end, and Happy New Year.
  • Happy Eid Al-Fitr, every year and your hearts are white, every year you are pure, happy new year, happy new year.
  • To the loved ones of my heart, old friends of the soul: Of all the holidays, this is the best for your presence with us. Happy Eid Al-Fitr, blessed be you, good people, and may God bring it back to us and you. Happy new year.
  • I congratulate you on the advent of the blessed Eid Al-Fitr, may God bless your days, and may God accept your obedience and gather us and you in goodness
  • May God bless you in every feast, every day, and every hour. You have the best wishes, and I ask God to make you among the blessed and congratulatory for this feast and for every feast.
  • From the heart, I send the most beautiful supplications full of roses and flowers. I send them before Eid, so that I can be before everyone, before everyone.
  • I am pleased and happy to extend to you, my friend “the name”, my sincere congratulations and blessings on the occasion of the blessed Eid Al-Fitr, asking the Almighty God to make all your days joys, and to return it to us and you for many years and long times, you and all members of your honorable family in the best condition, Eid Mubarak and all General and you are fine.
  • Congratulations on the occasion of Eid Al-Fitr to all friends who have a cherished heart in my heart. I ask God the Most High, the Powerful, to grant you wellness beyond harm, and to grant you bliss beyond hardship, and to make your chests with overwhelming joy, and your faces with hopeful goodness, and your days with human beings are fragrant, and every year, and your hearts are full of faith and acceptance. May Allah grant you fasting, good deeds, Eid Mubarak, and Happy New Year.

Eid al-Fitr congratulatory phrases for friends

The phrases that are sent to friends on Eid Al-Fitr to congratulate them on this feast are the phrases that express the highest levels of love and affection. Some of these phrases follow:

  • To my friend who is close to the heart, Happy New Year, and I ask God to accept your obedience, fasting, and prayers, and to make Eid for you all joy, happiness, happiness, and peace of mind.
  • My dear dear friend, I wanted you to be the first person to congratulate him on the occasion of Eid, because you are the person dear to my heart, because you are the best advice in every sense of the word, because you are loyal, honest, and truthful. Every year, our friendship is eternal and full of happiness. Happy New Year.
  • My friend who is close to my heart, I congratulate you on the congratulations of the blessed Eid Al-Fitr. Happy Eid, blessed Eid, joy and joy, and your Eid is obedience to God, every minute, every hour, every day, every week, every month and every year.
  • My dear friend, on the occasion of Eid Al-Fitr, I ask God Almighty for your goodness, and I ask Him to accept obedience, mercy and forgiveness. May God accept your fasting in Ramadan. Happy new year.
  • My dear and beloved friend, I want to congratulate you on the occasion of Eid Al-Fitr and wish you eternal happiness.
  • To my friend whom I am proud of, Happy New Year, perhaps I did not tell you before about my pride, I am your dear friend, I feel very proud that you are my dear and the friend of my life, I no longer need a large number of friends, because your closeness is enough for me.
  • On the blessed Eid Al-Fitr, I say to my friend with a loving heart: I loved that dear friend who taught me the true meaning of friendship, and instilled in my heart the meaning of loyalty, and how I give my gifts without limits and without waiting for anything in return. I loved her as a friend and as a sister, I loved her as a person, she taught me life in love and loyalty between friends I declare to the world that I love her with a love surrounded by purely divine love, the love that makes man in every sense of the word. To you, my beloved friend and dear companion, I offer the highest verses of gratitude, the sweetest words and the most tender meanings. Happy New Year, my dear.

The manuscript of Eid Al-Fitr

What is meant by the Eid al-Fitr manuscript is to draw the word Abd al-Fitr or congratulatory words for Eid al-Fitr on a picture of one of the famous and well-known Arabic calligraphy. Below we put some of the pictures that contain manuscripts about Eid al-Fitr:

The words of Eid Al-Fitr

Words fail and letters fail to express the beauty of the blessed Eid al-Fitr, this holiday that God has designated as a joy for Muslims by breaking their fast after fasting the blessed month of Ramadan. Here are words of congratulations on the occasion of this blessed holiday:

  • On the occasion of the blessed Eid Al-Fitr, I offer you my sincere congratulations and best wishes. May God Almighty make all your days joys and holidays. Happy New Year.
  • Happy new year, on the occasion of the advent of Eid Al-Fitr. May God accept your fasting and happiest of days. Happy new year. I ask God to accept from us and from you and to gather us with you in the highest paradise.
  • On the occasion of the blessed Eid Al-Fitr, it gives me great pleasure to extend to all of you my warmest congratulations and best wishes, and we ask God Almighty to return it to all of us with goodness and blessings and to our dear homeland with security, prosperity and well-being. Happy new year.
  • To the one who picked a smile and printed it on my sorrows, to the one who taught me the geometry of the phrase and broke the barriers of my pen. To you, I send a message before all human beings.
  • I am pleased to extend to you, my dear friend, my warmest congratulations and blessings on the occasion of the blessed Eid Al-Fitr.
  • With the kindest phrases, the softest words, and the spark of love…