صور وعبارات عن وداع عام واستقبال عام جديد 2024

بواسطة: admin
آخر تحديث: سبتمبر 21, 2024 - 11:46 ص

Pictures and phrases for a general farewell and a new year 2024 reception This is what the subject of this article will address. With the approaching end of the Gregorian year 2024 and the beginning of a new page of a long life, people everywhere are keen to share the most beautiful pictures and phrases that carry among them the highest wishes that the next is better, and through the content site, the most beautiful pictures and phrases will be presented for a general farewell. And welcome a new year.

Pictures and phrases for a general farewell and a new year 2024 reception

We include for you in the following a table that contains the most beautiful phrases through which one can express farewell to the Gregorian year and welcome the new year 2024, followed by some beautiful pictures in this regard:

first phraseHere we are on the cusp of the New Year, which is full of hopes and aspirations, that the page of sorrows will close with the end of 2024. A beautiful life filled with happiness and love will begin.
The second phraseA short time separates us from the transition between years to start a new page with a full title With hope and optimism, because the next will be more beautiful, God willing.
The third phraseNo matter how many people we lost in the past year who were close to our hearts, their memory will remain immortal in our souls. And we pray to God Almighty not to deprive us of those we love throughout the years.
Fourth phraseOh God, with the end of this year and the beginning of a new one, we ask you to grant us joy in it that rejoices our souls. We pray that you protect our loved ones and do not show us anything that makes us cry.

Pictures of farewell in 2024

The most beautiful pictures that can be shared to bid farewell to the year 2024 through various social media platforms are as follows:

New year reception pictures 2024

We present to you more of the most beautiful pictures to welcome the new year 2024 as follows:

Phrases for farewell in 2024

Here are the most beautiful phrases about farewell to the year 2024, you will find them as follows:

  • We bid farewell to the year 2024, asking the Lord Almighty to forgive us our sins and to seal us in it with goodness for us and for all the worlds.
  • With farewell to the year 2024, we hope that our friendship and companionship with friends and loved ones will continue, and that we will not see any harm in them.
  • Thank you for all the beautiful moments we lived in 2024. We hope that the year 2024 will be filled with more beautiful things that delight the heart and soul.
  • The countdown to the end of the year 2024 has begun. Farewell, bitter year, and welcome to the new year. We hope that you will be good and love.

Phrases for welcoming the new year 2024

Some are keen to welcome the new year 2024 with the highest terms that carry hope and optimism, which will be presented through the following table:

Phrases for welcoming the new year 2024
  • Here we are on the threshold of the new Gregorian year, and we must get rid of the tuberculosis of misery in our empty year. And to open a new page decorated with hope and optimism.
  • Happy new year to all my loved ones, friends, family, country and the whole world. I wish you a year full of happiness and success.
  • Beautiful destinies have written for us to receive another year in which we will go chasing our dreams. Great energy and passion to reach the biggest goal in our lives.

A general farewell prayer and a new general reception

Supplication is the recommended law for Muslims in bidding farewell to and welcoming days and years. The believer calls on his Lord and calls on Him to forgive him the mistakes and missteps that he committed in the past years, and to grant him success and provision for him in the coming years.

  • Oh God, forgive us for our previous sins in the past year, and write for us goodness in our new year, and bless us in it. You are capable of everything, and the answer is worthy, O Lord of the worlds.
  • O Allah, we seek refuge in You from the evil of the new year and the evil that is in it, and we ask You for its good and the good that is in it, and we ask You in it to be among those who are rightly guided, we and our loved ones, O Lord of the worlds.
  • Oh God, make the beginning of the new year the beginning of all goodness, happiness and joy, and bless us and our loved ones in it, and grant us success in it to reach our goals thanks to you, Lord of the worlds.

Words of farewell and welcome to a new year Twitter

Some share the words of a general farewell and welcome to a new Gregorian year as tweets via Twitter, which will be presented through the following table:

First tweetWith the end of the year and the beginning of a new one, our hopes are that the new year will be the key to goodness for everything. We ask God Almighty to make it more beautiful than we wish.
The second tweetFarewell, forgotten time in the pages and books of history. And welcome to the year in which we live our passion and hopes, thanks to God Almighty.
Third tweetA new year of our lives we embrace today, O Allah, bless our new year and grant us its goodness and keep away from its evil, O Lord of the worlds.

Phrases about the end of the year for the beloved 2024

The beloved is the first thing that people remember in their happy days and at the beginnings and endings, so the most beautiful phrases about the end of the year will be presented to the beloved 2024 as follows:

  • At the end of this year, I feel an overflow of love and happiness with you by my side, sweetness of my eyes. How can I not melt with love while your eyes are crowned with galaxies and stars every year, and you are the constant love in my heart.
  • Here comes the end of the year, whose first title was the happiness of the heart with your beautiful presence, and your kindness that is not matched by anything in this universe. I hope that we will live on love for long and new years forever and ever.
  • My year blooms near you, and I should not end it without your touch of love. You are the hope and strength with which I walked in my bad days, and you are the sweet laughter in my happy days.

Phrases for farewell to 2024 and welcome to 2024

We include for you a table containing the most beautiful phrases about farewell to 2024 and welcoming 2024 as follows:

The most beautiful phrases about farewell to 2024 and welcoming 2024
  • We bid farewell to 2024, and welcome the new year 2024, as we look forward to a better year full of ambition.
  • A new year on the doorstep of our homes brings its new stories and exciting tales. Happy new year to everyone.

Pictures of phrases about farewell to 2024 and welcome to 2024

It is also necessary to present pictures of phrases about farewell to 2024 and welcoming the new Gregorian year 2024, as follows:

Pictures of congratulatory phrases for the new year 2024

We include for you the most beautiful images of congratulatory phrases for the New Year 2024 as follows:

Greeting cards for the new year 2024

People in general share greeting cards for the New Year 2024 through WhatsApp, Instagram, and other applications, which will be presented as follows:

Phrases for a general farewell and a new year 2024 welcome in English

Also, pictures and phrases about farewell and welcoming the new year 2024 must be submitted in English with their translation as follows:

  • Sentence: A short time separates us from the transition between the years, so that we can start a new page with a title full of hope and optimism, because the next one will be more beautiful, God willing.
    Translation: A short time separates us from the transition between the years, so that we can start a new page with a title full of hope and optimism, because the next one will be more beautiful, God willing.
  • Sentence: Here we are on the threshold of the new Gregorian year, and we must get rid of the tuberculosis of misery in our empty year, and open a new page that we decorate with hope and optimism.
    Translation: Here we are on the threshold of the new Gregorian year, and we must get rid of the tuberculosis of misery in our empty year, and open a new page that we decorate with hope and optimism.
  • Sentence: Happy New Year to all my loved ones, friends, family, country and the whole world. I wish you a year full of happiness and success.
    Translation: Happy new year to all my loved ones, friends, family, country and the whole world. I wish you a year full of happiness and success.

He felt a general farewell and a new year 2024 welcome

The occasions that the whole world celebrates have always been a source of inspiration for poetry and poets, so their fingers wrote the most beautiful poetry about a general farewell and a new year’s welcome. We mention to you the following:

  • One of the poets says:

A year has passed and his brother is approaching us
And the years of my life quietly withdraw
Do you see him coming in the name of our meeting?
Or frowning and like a depressed old man
What does he hide in the folds of his garment?
We are tired of turbulent conflict
We are afraid of wars and their evil
And everyone has become at home as an expatriate
Good we hope to meet us
To balm the deep, inflamed wound.

With this we come to the conclusion of this article Pictures and phrases for a general farewell and a new year 2024 reception Who presented the most beautiful phrases, words, and written and illustrated tweets that can be shared on various social media platforms.