متى تسجل ٧٥ في البلوت

بواسطة: admin
آخر تحديث: سبتمبر 21, 2024 - 11:33 ص

When do you score 75 in the balot is one of the important questions and puzzles in the game, and scoring zero for the opponent against seventy-five in favor of the second team is easy by following a number of simple playing steps and applying special projects in the game, and the balot is one of the interesting and thought-provoking games that need some Intelligence, as well as popular among different age groups of young people.

What is the balot game?

Baloot is one of the card games spread in the Gulf countries, especially the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the game goes back to its roots in the French state, whose laws are very similar to the current laws of the game, with a number of differences due to the poor ability of the French to translate their game into English, and the reason for its name is not clear. But there are two possibilities, the first is that the name belongs to the French set of the laws of the game known as Pilot, and the second is that the name belongs to the English word (plot), which means plan and skill, which are the basis for winning the game.

Baloot rules in detail

The baloot game takes about twenty-five to thirty minutes, and the game consists of four players who are characterized by skill and intelligence to win, and the following are a number of detailed rules for the game, which are as follows:

  • The game consists of all the suits except for the six, five, four, two, and finally the joker.
  • The game consists of four players, two of them on a team against the other, and they sit across from each other.
  • There is what is known as the zat leaf, and it is of four types, as shown in the following table:
Sheet name Damon or ShaukatHaas or LalSpit or CaleKelves or Shiria
leaf shape
  • The values ​​of the cards left and in the game are as follows:
Eke or khalBash or Shaybmeme or girlboy or boythe tenthe ninethe eightthe seven
  • The player to the dealer’s left is usually asked to line up the cards to ensure that cheating does not occur in the game.
  • Eight cards are dealt to each player.
  • It is forbidden for players to reveal their cards before they are discarded, except in the drafts reveal mode.
  • The game has two methods, Sun and Referee.

Baloot calculator

The cards in the balot game are calculated by adding the values ​​of all the cards collected by the two teams, which are as follows:

  • Food: It is the group of cards obtained by the team, and each card has certain points and values.
  • projects And their arrangement is as in the table below only in the event that there is only one letter and when the project consists of sequential papers, which are fifty and one hundred confidential.

The types of special projects in the balot game are as follows:

    • The Four Hundred Project: In it, the player has four cards, which are similar ikk or khawal, provided that the play is sun, but in the event that the play is an open rule, then the project is a hundred.
    • The Hundred Project: This project is in two ways:
      • The first method in which the player has five cards in sequence according to the projects described above.
      • The second method in which the player has four cards of the following types: the old man, the girl, the boy, and finally the ten, as well as four cards from the Ack in the referee only, as shown in the following table:
    • The fifty project: The player has four cards in sequence.
    • secret project: And the player has three cards in sequence.
    • The Baloot Project: And it is in the referee only, and in it the player Shayeb and the referee’s daughter play or vice versa, respectively; It means that the old man and the girl play through one player, with the necessity that they are not part of the hundred project.
    • Ground draft or colloquially bottom: The team that eats last.

calculation method

Points are calculated in the balot game by collecting the values ​​of the cards obtained by each of the two teams, which differ in both Sun and Referee; As its calculation in the Sun is twenty-six points, while the judgment is the calculation of sixteen points, while the calculation in the Sun and the judgment is as shown in the following tables for papers and their values:

  • Account in Sun
the paperher photo The value of the paper in the sun
Eckeleven points
tenTen points
oldFour points
girlThree points
childTwo points
nineAnd no point
eight And no point
SevenAnd no point
  • The account is in judgment

The following table shows the points related to the referee’s uniform in the event that the referee is a calfs, but in the event that it is not, then the referee is calculated as the Sun account shown previously:

the paperher photo The value of the paper in the sun
childTwenty points
nineFourteen points
Eckeleven points
tenTen points
oldFour points
girlThree points
eight And no point
SevenAnd no point

When do you score 75 in the ballot?

Many balot players seek to score 0/75 to win the game, and this type of scoring requires skill and sufficient intelligence to solve this puzzle.

  • Double rich rule = 40
  • The first player of the team has fifty baloots and a secret = (15 + 2 + 6)
  • The second player from the same team has a double secret = 12
  • So the total is (40 + 15 + 2 + 6 + 12 = 75)

Note that the projects alternate three times because playing is a rich rule, and the fifty is (5 + 5 + 5 = 15), while the secret is three secrets: (2 * 9 = 18), and thus the riddle of when to score 75 in the balot has been solved.

Balot Championship Conditions

Many private balot tournaments are held by the General Sports Authority in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and this type of tournament aims to entertain the participants and the public, and to avoid any problems or skirmishes related to the conditions of the game. In the players, such as being a Saudi national and fluent in the game of balot. As for the terms and laws of the game, they are as follows:

  • Absolutely not allowing in general speech to exclude what is within the framework of the game.
  • Not to allow any special suggestions and signs, whether intended or not.
  • The use of special terminology in the game by all players, namely (first, but, sun, referee, second, no, form, double, three, four, coffee, closed) and mention one of the projects).
  • No round will be counted unless it is held at the time and place specified for the game and approved by the tournament organizer.
  • Any team has the right to file a protest before the tournament’s appeal committee, immediately after the referee’s decision and before the papers are distributed, along with submitting the protest fee of one thousand riyals in cash, to be refunded if the protest is accepted, in accordance with the articles stipulated in the general regulations for appeal.
  • The check ends with any team obtaining one hundred and fifty-two punts, but in the event that the two teams exceed it, then the victory is entitled to the largest of them.
  • Cards may not be thrown before all players have finished bidding.

With this, we come to the conclusion of an article when to score 75 in the ballot, in which the most important general information about the game and its most important laws and special conditions in the ballot championship were explained, and finally the solution to the puzzle and the plan for scoring 0/75 was mentioned.