Pictures written on it Oh God, we reached the Night of Power It has become one of the most important topics raised recently on many research sites due to the approaching date of the last ten days of the blessed month of Ramadan, which coincides with one of their nights, the blessed Night of Decree, that great night in which God – the Mighty and Sublime – revealed the Noble Qur’an to His Messenger and his beloved, our Master Muhammad – may God’s prayers be upon him. And peace -, it is the honorable and pure night in which destinies are written and completely changed, and in the context of talking about the greatness and beauty of this night, lines and words will not help us, the least that is said about it is actually what one of the great imams of language and literature, “Al-Khalil bin Ahmed Al-Farhidi” said about it, that the earth is almost narrow Indeed, angels due to their great abundance, and this article will review a large and wide range of the most beautiful images related to Laylat al-Qadr, which can be fully relied upon in greeting loved ones and close ones.
The virtue of Laylat al-Qadr
The blessed Night of Power is one of the greatest and most honorable nights in the holy month of Ramadan, in which God – glory and majesty – revealed the Noble Qur’an to his Prophet Muhammad – upon him be the best prayers and complete delivery -, and it is also worth noting here that this pure night acquires its immense grace and greatness according to For a large number of things and features, including, for example, that whoever rises this night out of faith and in anticipation of God – the Almighty – will be forgiven for his past and delayed sins, and that comes in addition to the descent of our master Gabriel with a large number of angels on this honorable night to earth. To secure the urgent calls and desires of people, as it is truly a night of safety and peace. Whoever is deprived of its goodness is deprived, as work and diligence in it is better than a thousand months.
Characteristics of the Night of Destiny
Laylat al-Qadr has a large number of distinctive signs and characteristics that the believer can strive to investigate and reach during the last ten days of the blessed month of Ramadan, including, for example, the following:
- The sun has risen on the morning of this night without any visible and strong ray in a way that enables the seer to look at it without disturbance or harm.
- The serenity of the sky and devoid of any turbidity or turbidity.
- The weather is moderate and the prevailing temperature is not hot or cold.
- The serenity of the atmosphere and its calmness, and the willingness of the individual believer on this night to perform more acts of worship and acts of worship that increase his connection with his Lord – the Almighty -.
- It comes on one of the odd nights that fall in the last ten days of the blessed month of Ramadan.
Pictures written on it Oh God, we reached the Night of Power
The vast majority of individuals usually resort to using a number of distinctive images and backgrounds to greet each other on any of the official occasions or holidays as a kind of bringing joy and pleasure to the hearts of the family, friends and acquaintances they love, so these next few lines will deal with a group of the most beautiful written images and symbols On it, O God, let us reach the Night of Power for the year 2024:
Wallpapers Oh God, let us reach the Night of Power 2024
As we have previously reviewed a large and wide variety of the most beautiful images of Laylat al-Qadr, the time has now come to review a number of the most beautiful and wonderful backgrounds that can be placed either on mobile phone screens or on the individual’s personal accounts on popular social networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp. August, and here are the most beautiful wallpapers, O God, let us reach the Night of Power 2024:
Rmaziat written on the supplications of the Night of Power
There are a large number of the most beautiful symbols and wonderful backgrounds that were specially designed to celebrate the atmosphere of the great and blessed Night of Power, including, for example, the following:
The latest pictures, O God, reach us in Laylat al-Qadr 2024
The entire Islamic nation is preparing at that time to receive the great and blessed Night of Decree, which coincides with its occurrence in the last ten days of the holy month of Ramadan, and given that this night is considered one of the greatest and honorable occasions in which Muslims resort to greeting and congratulating each other, the coming lines will include a review of a large group of The latest and most wonderful pictures of God, let us reach Laylat al-Qadr for the year 2024:
Photo supplication Oh God, we reached the Night of Power
There are many of the most beautiful images of great supplications, and it is desirable to repeat them on the honorable Night of Decree, which can also be shared with family, relatives, and friends to obtain the reward and the great reward from God – Glory be to Him -. Laylat al-Qadr for 2024:
The most beautiful photo album about Laylat al-Qadr
There are a large number of the most beautiful images and distinctive symbols that have been specially prepared and designed to coincide with the joyful celebrations of the blessed Night of Power, and here is the most beautiful photo album for the Night of Power for the year 2024:
The best written supplications for Laylat al-Qadr
When the last ten nights of the holy month of Ramadan begin to approach, intense searches increase for the most beautiful and wonderful religious supplications that can be adopted on such pure and honorable nights, and here is the best collection of supplications for Laylat al-Qadr written in full for the year 2024:
- Oh God, I ask you from all good, urgent and later, what you learned from and what I did not know, and I seek refuge in you from all evil, urgent and later, what you learned from and what I did not know. Oh God, I ask you for paradise and whatever brings you closer to it of words or deeds, and I seek refuge in you from hell and whatever brings you closer to it from saying or doing, and I ask you to make every judgment you have done good for me.
- Oh God, You are the Most Merciful, so forgive us, and accept our fasting and our prayers, and make us among those who are accepted in the Night of Decree and from the list of Your emancipations from the fire of Hell.
- O Allah, O Judge of needs, O Answerer of invocations, fulfill our needs and the needs of those who ask, O He who revealed the Noble Qur’an in the Night of Decree, honor us in this blessed night, be kind to us in this blessed night, save us from the fire in this blessed night, and grant us victory over the unbelieving people with the blessings of this Blessed night.
- Oh God, you are my Lord, there is no god but You, I trust in You, and You are the Lord of the Great Throne. Whatever God wills is, and what He does not will does not happen. There is no might nor power except with God, the Most High, the Great. Oh God, I seek refuge in You from the evil of myself, and from the evil of every animal whose forelock You take. Indeed, my Lord is on a straight path.
- Oh God, guide us to whom You have guided, and heal us to whom You have pardoned, and take care of us with whom You have taken care of, and bless us with what You have given, and protect us from the evil of what You have decreed.
- Oh God, what you sent down in it of good, health and wellness, safety and abundance of livelihood, so make us from it the best of luck and share, and what was sent down in it of evil, affliction and sedition, so turn it away from us and the Muslims. To free our necks from the fire.
Beautiful phrases about the Night of Destiny
As previously, a wide range of the most beautiful, kind and blessed supplications about the great Night of Power has been reviewed, so the time has now also come to review a wide variety of the most beautiful phrases formulated about the Night of Power for this year, and that will be done as follows:
- Oh God, what you divided for me in this blessed night of goodness, wellness, health, safety, and abundance of livelihood, so make it for me the best portion and reward, and what you sent down in it of evil, affliction, evil, and sedition, so turn it away from me and all Muslims, O Forgiving, O Merciful.
- Oh God, make us among those who are accepted in this great and blessed night, and accept our fasting and our prayers, and make us among the list of those who will free you from the fires of hell.
- Oh God, You are the owner of the kingdom, You give the kingdom to whom You will and take away the kingdom from whom You will, and You exalt whom You will, and humiliate whom You will – with the hand of goodness, You are powerful over all things.
- Oh God, make us in this blessed night from those whom you looked at and had mercy on and heard his supplication and answered it.
- Oh God, for the sake of this blessed night, forgive me and my parents and the believing men and women, the Muslim men and women, the living and the dead.
- We pray to God, on such a great and blessed night, to turn us around and make us among those who are accepted, and to grant us the happiness of both worlds and the Hereafter.
Thus, in conclusion, this article has reviewed the talk about the most beautiful Pictures written on it Oh God, we reached the Night of Power For the year 2024, and this also comes in addition to viewing a large number of the most wonderful symbols and backgrounds written on the supplications of Laylat al-Qadr, and finally, at the end, a group of the most beautiful supplications that can be used on such an honorable and blessed night was presented.